Welcome to our gallery! Check out our kittens to the variety of spot patterns you can expect from various litters. As of now we have F6/F7 litters which produce stunning spotted kittens. Please read our information below to see: size weight, rosettes, and the fuzzies regarding Bengal kitten development.


Just like its ancestor, the asian leopard cat,  bengal cats go through a phase in which their colors and spots are shrouded in fuzz. The reason why is due to a survival trait in its natural habitat. Mother nature intended for these creatures to survive so the best way to do that is not to be spotted in the sanctuary and blend into the trees, shrubs, forests, vegetation, and etc..  This fuzz will be completely gone by week 16 with your baby.


when you look at then bengal cat you can envision this felid as a flower. In particularly, the spots(rosettes), these spots start off small but overtime(2 years) open up to their full potential. What started off as a black embryonic spot will bloom into a scintillating work of art.


These are not wildcats, so you don’t have to worry about them overtaking your household and running amuck. These are domesticated house cats with a wild look. The females will get no bigger than 8-12 lbs while the males will get no larger than 13-15 lbs. These cats don’t really get big in a sense, but they get more lean and muscular than your average house cat.
