Requisite deposits are, $315 for pet quality kittens and $350 for show quality kittens. For prospective clients looking to breed the deposit will be $350 and deposits for these kittens must be made in Cashapp. In addition, a consultation must be had before being accepted as a breeder. Deposits are to keep said kitten that way all parties will be held accountable when speaking of availability. Your deposit sets your reservation in stone and cannot be overturned for any reason other than an unforeseen death or anomalies out of your control. Furthermore, when you put a deposit down you can rest assured that even if someone makes a pitch for your kitten that Bengaliers will not renege your reservation. Lastly, when a deposit is made by the purchaser, the purchaser agrees to pay in full by the specified date(no longer than 12 weeks) or forfeit the deposit in full. However, the buyer will gain CREDIT with the cattery to pay for the next kitten. The goal of our offer cattery is to place our kittens in homes within a timely matter to ensure maximum bonding with the owner. If the kitten stays past that 12 week threshold then the kitten will start to get attached to the breeder rather than be close to the new owner.
It is Bengaliers’s policy to meet up in a public place close to the buyer’s choosing. We prefer not to meet up after 7 p.m. and no earlier than 9 a.m. If you need your kitten to be shipped to you by FLIGHT ✈️ then it will be a flat rate fee of $450 domestically and $850 internationally. If you’re in the state of Oklahoma and reside in MOORE, EDMOND, and Oklahoma City AREAS the HAND-DELIVERY 🚚 rate will be 35 USD. Locales such as STILLWATER, IDABEL and far-reaching communities inside of Oklahoma then the rate will be 80 USD. Those who reside in Oklahoma City, itself, the delivery fee is waived(FREE). For those buyers that live in Dallas and opt for hand-delivery, the fee will be 180.00 USD. Purchasers who opt for Bengaliers to hand-deliver then 12hours notice must be given and the gas money/deposit altogether must be received via PayPal/cashapp or another transaction service. Customers who live in San Antonio, Texas please expect to pay an additional 450.00 for hand delivery by car/Flight. All other cases are TBD.
Payment Method
You must take your kitten/cat to the vet within 72 hours of pickup. Failure to do so will void your Health Guarantee. It is imperative to make sure your kitten is healthy when you arrive home. Please make sure you bond with your kitten, these cats are like children which deserve your affection and care. These cats average a lifespan of 13-20 years.
Adjustment period
Bengal cats need time to adjust to their new environment for at least a week. The reason why is because they have only known one place all of their lives so going home with a new owner is quite the change. Moreover, if you let your cat out it may contract illnesses or diseases which will in turn void the lifetime health guarantee. Bare minimum 2 – 4 days separated from everyone else in the house(secluded place) except a few people. You want the cat to start being dependent on you.
If illness or death is in question then a necropsy from a certified veterinarian must be done stating the cause of the ailment or death. These exams must be done at the expense of the of the buyer. When these conditions are met the buyer will have the kitten replaced first, if a kitten isn’t available then an alternative will be found.
Due to the increase in demand for these kittens, please expect to pay 300.00 more than the base price for these particular kittens. Brown spotted tabby kitten prices will remain the same.
These two kittens above sum up the wow factor in regards to not only pricing Snow Mink Bengals but can be used as a guide in purchasing all Bengal cats at our cattery. Both of these Bengal kittens are snow Mink Bengals. The kitten on the left has small bountiful spots and her price is easily 1600.00. The kitten on the right is easily 2000.00 without breeding rights. The kitten on the right has wider, darker, and more contrasting spots which give rise to higher “WOW” factor. The wow factor is just an eye test that any person can see. Upon looking at both of these kittens which one catches your eye more? It is the focal point(pick of the litter) standard which sets the tone for pricing which also include personality/friendliness. You are paying for a feline that could pass for a leopard but without the leopard temperament. Here at Bengaliers, we want each individual to be in reach of these fascinating felines. Our prices are reasonable and attainable over a 16 week period. SEE OUR PRICES BELOW
Pet quality price
Show quality price